Is it the way she smiles
The way the air around her seems light
When she walks in the room
Bubbling with joy
Skipping to an imaginary beat
Facing the world as if it worked for her
Her friends say they love her
Her life seems a dream
And you think there is nothing she must want
How can she want when everything is perfect
Perfect for her
Perfect World
She doesn't have to try, want, hurt
Cause the world comes to her
It bends for her
Calls for her
Skips to her tune
Da de di da de dum
That's her drum
Her world
Her dream
Her life
But then there is bump
A little tap that went tick
A tick that became a tak
Then it entered her dream
That dream that was her life
The life that made the world
The tak took
The tak turned
That dream polluted
The life polluted
Her world polluted
heavy air
the skip pushed to a crawl
No more
Da de di da de dum, her drum
Da de tick
Da de di tak
No more Da de di da de dum