I walk down a road
I don't know where it ends
But how could I pinpoint this
When I don't know where it began
I remember a start
But I can't tell you the place
I can't explain the exact feeling
As I started searching for my place
I guess there was no point
No point that I know
It was like it was alive
My start just began to grow
One day I was walking
To no particular place
I suddenly felt purpose
It was on a random day
One day I thought maybe
The next I thought it possible
By the time I new it was probable
It was definitely so
So I walk down this road
Untraveled for a while
I can tell by the weeds
And missing parts of the ground
I can see the holes
where the road used to be
I saw a plant grow before me
The beginning of a tree
As I count my steps
I look down to see
That something has disappear
The cement beneath me
Someone once had laid it
I guess only this far
I can feel the gravel moving
I can see the dirt from afar
The road has become narrow
It is barely a path
But I must keep traveling
Even if the path will not last
I have to climb now
I can no longer walk
I feel my arms ache
They can only pull me so far
I look beneath me
There is no ground
If my arms gave out now
I would fall straight down
I want to turn back
Go back down
Before the road ended
When I was on solid ground
But turning back would be deadly
I have to see this through
My arms will not give out
That is the only thing they must do
As I pulled myself further
I felt flares of pain
My arms were giving out
Then it began to rain
I could feel the pitter-patter
The drops hit my hands
I felt the same rhythm
When my steps used to hit land
The mountain became slippery
I could feel my loosening grip
This may be the end now
And surely I slipped
I fell fast
I tumbled far
I tried to grab on
But everything was too far
I twisted in the air
I aligned my body right
Before I hit the ground
I would give a good fight
I suddenly saw branch
I quickly grabbed tight
My body swung through the air
As I held on with all my might
I then found a foot hole
A place I could rest
I began to climb
I had passed my first test
The mountain was not as scary
I could survive on my own
I could make my own path
The cement was long gone
I reached the top
Viewing all that was below
I could see where I had been
Though not yet where I would go
I saw a little girl
Following my old path
She would have to climb soon
And my path would not last
I searched for a large stick
I quickly found mud
I cemented it in place
Beneath my fatal flaw
I new that she would fall
Hopefully not as far
I would not stop it
The fall helped me get far
I gave her one last look
Then quickly scurried away
My path I take alone
It will end one day