Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why You

When I open my eyes
Why is it you

Why can no day pass
Without your name passing my lips
Without thoughts of you crossing my mind

When I close my eyes
Why do you hunt my dreams
But I guess you don't hunt them
Because every moment of you I enjoy

When I cannot see you
your are an eye lids length away
I close my eyes and you surround me

But the next morning you're gone
To one country or another

I want to call you
but I shouldn't
I want to hear you
but I can't

I have to let you live the life you want
I have to learn to make a life for me

We have always been friends
Yet so far away
Until recently I too was oblivious

But now I know you're everything I want
But why you

Why are you perfect to me
Why do we want the same thing
Enjoy the same activities
Ponder the same thoughts

But today i'll let you go
Because I know me
And you are like me

I cannot hold you tightly
Or I guarantee you'll slip away
I can't make you hold me
For you will fight every moment

I can just let you go
Today I will let you go
Hoping your vision clears by tomorrow
I pray mine remains clear until then

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