Monday, April 9, 2018

Beside Me

If I walk 1 mile
would you.....
slip my comfortable shoes on my feet
Tie the strings light but firm
Match your stride to my smaller one

If I walk 10 miles
would you.....
sing a sweet tune in my ear
make the long day swim in endearment
and go at my weary pace

If I walk 100 miles
would you......
provide a comfortable shoulder
where I can rest my weary soul
counting the miles as we go

If I walk 1000 miles
would you.....
piggyback me when the road is rough
keep my face forward towards the goal
find i dry place to rest and go

1 mile is a day
10 miles is a year
100 miles is a life
1000 miles is forever

1 mile the day I met you
10 miles the day I loved you
100 miles the day I married you
1000 miles the day I meet you above

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